Our user test toolkit for knowledge translation research


One method we utilize in all projects for gathering feedback is user testing.  This entails observing people from our target audience as they engage with a prototype of our product, and listening to them “think-aloud”. The main goal of this method is to gain a deeper understanding of users’ experiences, to observe users’ problems, to collect their suggestions, and to improve the product based on analysis of this structured observation and feedback rather than guesswork.

Template and instructions for use

For each new project we tailor a user test package that our co-researchers can use. This includes instructions and materials. One example can be found here: SURE user test package 2012

To cite there resources, please refer to Rosenbaum SE. User test toolkit for knowledge translation 2022. Available from: https://www.cochrane.no/nb/our-user-test-package

User testing: Relevant publications from staff at Cochrane Norway

  1. Rosenbaum SE, Glenton C, Nylund HK, Oxman AD. User testing and stakeholder feedback contributed to the development of understandable and useful Summary of Findings tables for Cochrane reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2010 Jun;63(6):607-19.
  2. Rosenbaum SE, Glenton C, Cracknell J. User experiences of evidence-based online resources for health professionals: user testing of The Cochrane Library. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2008;8:34.
  3. Rosenbaum SE, Glenton C, Wiysonge CS, Abalos E, Migniini L, Young T, et al. Evidence summaries tailored for health policymakers in low and middle-income countries. WHO Bulletin, 2011; 89 (1)