Workshops and events


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Cochrane Qualitative MEthodological LimitatiOns Tool (CAMELOT) Workshop 

August 13th  -  12.30 PM - 3 PM (CET)

Language: English

Where: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, inndalsveien 28, 5063 Bergen. Room M130/131

Please note that this is a physical meeting—there will be no option to participate digitally.

In this workshop we will introduce the Cochrane Qualitative MEthodological LimitatiOns Tool (CAMELOT). We will discuss how it was developed, introduce the CAMELOT domains and go through a worked example of applying CAMELOT. Participants will then have the opportunity to work in small groups and practice applying CAMELOT to a primary study. We will then discuss any questions or challenges that arise when applying CAMELOT.

Heather Menzies Munthe-Kaas, Dr.Philos, is a researcher at Centre for Epidemic Interventions Research at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. She is co-founder of the GRADE-CERQual approach and the TRANSFER approach. She has been conducting systematic reviews of effectiveness and qualitative evidence syntheses for more than ten years. Her research interests focus on using human-centred design approaches to develop methods and tools to improve the usefulness, relevance and usability of systematic review findings. She also works with the development and evaluation of resources to teach critical health literacy as a means of supporting informed health decisions.

Sign up for the workshop here



Webinar: Exploring the Role of Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) in Implementation Trials and WHO Guideline Updates

September 24th - 9 AM - 10 AM (Norwegian time)

Language: English

Where: Zoom

We are thrilled to announce an upcoming webinar hosted by Cochrane Norway! Join us as we delve into using a Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) to inform an implementation trial and WHO guideline update, a topic that is not only timely but also crucial in our field. Associate Professor Meghan Bohren, the head of the Gender and Women’s Health Unit, Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne, and Co-Director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Women’s Health, will be our esteemed speaker. She leads primary mixed-methods, implementation research and systematic reviews related to improving women’s experiences with pregnancy and childbirth care, and works primarily with groups who are disadvantaged by systems of power. She has a particular interest in using innovative qualitative research methods to bring community and health worker voices to public health and clinical guideline development. She will present how the QES informed the development of the E-MOTIVE trial (which demonstrated a 60% reduction in Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH)), and triggered an immediate rapid update of the WHO guideline (within 6 months from trial results to guideline publication).


Zoom link:


Webinar: Exploring the Role of Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) in Implementation Trials and WHO Guideline Updates

December 6th – 11.30 PM – 12.30 AM (Norwegian time)

Language: Norwegian

Where: Zoom

The interest in synthesizing qualitative research in systematic reviews has grown enormously in recent years. Such reviews are an important source of information on the values and experiences of, for example, users and practitioners of healthcare and welfare services, and can be a valuable support for decision-makers.


With the increased use of qualitative research in decision-making, there is also a need to assess the confidence in this research. GRADE-CERQual is a system for assessing and describing the level of confidence that can be placed in the findings from qualitative research reviews ( GRADE-CERQual allows for the evaluation of the trustworthiness of the research findings in order to inform decision-making processes.



Zoom link: